Clarity and Confidence - A Life Without Clarity is a Life Without Confidence.

May 01, 2023 |

Is it time for YOU to find Clarity and get the Confidence to Live your BEST Life? - then read on!

Clarity and Confidence - A Life Without Clarity is a Life Without Confidence.


The truth is if you are feeling lost or unsure about something, it’s hard to feel confident about anything else. You can be the most fantastic person in the world, but if you're not sure what you want or where your life is heading, it will just feel empty.


I used to feel like this. I would work and work and work. I would do everything I was supposed to do. But I still wouldn't feel the confidence I craved.


It was so frustrating — and it led me to ask tons of questions about confidence:


  • Why is it so hard?
  • Why can't we all just be confident? 
  • What is confidence, anyway? 
  • What does it take to be confident?


The more I dug, the more I realised one thing: Confidence is a result of clarity. In other words, it's only when you are clear about what you want that you can have confidence in yourself and your life. If we want life to happen the way we want it, the first and foremost requirement is to be clear about what we really want. 


Not only will this give our lives direction and purpose, but it will also allow us to be confident that our choices and actions are moving us closer to where we want to go.


If you don't have clarity about what you want in your life right now, don't beat yourself up.


Instead, try thinking of your lack of clarity as a sign that it's time to focus on yourself.  Take some time out of your day to relax and reflect. Focus on who you are and what you enjoy doing. Let things come to you naturally.

Confidence signals that you are on the right track, but clarity is the map that points the way. This means if you have one without the other, then you're going in circles. 


If you don't know what you really want in life, how do you ever expect to get it? Without a clear goal, it's impossible to feel confident that you're making progress towards anything. You'll never know if you've succeeded or failed If you don't have a clear idea of what success means to you, how will you ever know if you've succeeded or failed? If you don't understand what you're doing, how will you gain real confidence? and how are you going to learn from your mistakes? You can't learn anything until you get a handle on exactly what's going on in front of you. You can't gain confidence if you don't know what you're gaining it for.


When you're starting out with little to no confidence, there's no bigger roadblock than understanding all the reasons why. Without clarity, if you don't know exactly what it is you're trying to find and why, you'll likely not find it, even if it was right in front of your face.


If you need a guide/coach/best friend who can hold your hand and guide you to gain clarity in life, I am here to help. I've been in your shoes before. I struggled with procrastination and lack of confidence for years until I finally discovered how powerful clarity could be! Now, I'm living my best life as an accomplished successful Master Empowerment Coach. I help people just like you to find clarity in life and determine what it is you really want and give you the tools to achieve your goals. 


Is it time for YOU to find Clarity and get the Confidence to Live your BEST Life?


How I can help


Find out how to be happy!

My Hidden to Happy online program is now live!

Hidden to Happy is now available as an online course that you can complete in your own time and I am giving you FREE access to module 1! And Module 1 is all about finding CLARITY!


Hidden to Happy is for you want to:


  • know what will make you truly happy
  • get off the hamster wheel and stop every day being groundhog day
  • find the BEST version of you, so you can be living your BEST life
  • stop just existing and gain the confidence and clarity to live life to its full potential
  • embrace and plan your future by understanding, processing and letting go of the past.


I'm so excited about this course that I am gifting you the first module: Clarity is your GPS for FREE! All you need to do is click below to access!


Don't just take my word for it listen to what some of my amazing clients say about my program here! 


🌟Get your FREE access now!

I have a fantastically supportive group of women who are or have been in the same position as you find yourself in right now. If you’re not already a member, I invite you to join my FREE Facebook Community 30+ Positively Starting Over.

You may also find my Improve Your Life in 7 Days journaling challenge helpful and when you sign up you will also receive my bonus 10 Steps to Starting Over guide to help you really keep the momentum of starting over. 

As always, please know that I am here for you, whether it’s a virtual coffee to talk through what’s going on, or whether you need more intensive support to move on, you can schedule a complimentary, no obligation call with me.


Emma x

The Empowerment Coach for women who want to transform their lives, become unstoppable and conquer the fears that have been holding you back from truly living YOUR BEST life.

Categories: : clarity, Confidence, fulfilled, happiness